Welcome to the Copyright Center

Why should we care about copyright?

Copyright is important not only for the protection of your own work, but also the works you are referencing. There are legal implications for failure  to abide by  copyright laws. Violations affect the university as a whole.

What are faculty members allowed to do that is within copyright law? - See Fair Use Table

Copyright terms, definitions, and procedures


Additional Assistance

  • Copyright Information Librarian - Cynthia Helms - 269-471-6260
  • Compliance Officer - Ethan Jones - 269-471-6515
  • University General Counsel - Gwendolynn Powell Braswell - 269-471-6530
  • Educational Technology Support Manager - Marsha Beal - 269-471-3960


Website sponsored by:

Department of Digital Learning and Instructional Technology
James White Library
Office of General Counsel

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